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We’re currently beta testing our platform – this means that we’re working closely with a small group of landlords to ensure that we’re building the right product to help you streamline your business. If you’d like to participate in our beta testing, please go ahead and create an account! We are not limiting the number of participants, and we’ll reach out to you for your feedback in the near future.

The only two things we do charge for are:

  • Tenant Verification Reports ($35)
  • NSF Payments ($35)
*Currency is the Canadian Dollar (CAD).

NSF Payments
Non-Sufficient Funds Payments (NSFs) occur when you configure a PAD payment to be withdrawn from a tenant’s bank account, but the tenant does not have the funds in their account to process the payment. This is true for both a monthly rent payment or a one-time transaction. You can read more about configuring PAD to automatically collect rent payments through our system here.
The $35 charge is the forwarded bank fee for NSF payments.

Tenant Verification Reports
A Tenant Verification Report is a report that you can order for either a new prospect or an existing tenant. This will validate their identification to ensure that they’re using a valid ID (which cuts down on fraud), return a credit report and complete a soft check to look for any criminal activity, judgements, etc.

Billing Cycle
Our billing cycle is done on a monthly basis. Five business days after the end of each month, if you had any billable items during the previous month (either a Tenant Verification Report or an NSF payment), we will email you an invoice. Payment is scheduled to happen five business days after the invoice goes out.

Payment Methods
We have two ways to pay invoices on our platform: PAD or Credit Card. If you sign up for PAD on our platform to collect rent from your tenants, the bank account you choose to receive those payments will also be set up as the default account from which to withdraw your payments to SLS. If you prefer an alternate method of payment, you can also set that up: manage payment methods on the Settings -> Billing -> Payment Method page.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for the platform!



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Streamline Landlord Service
1-1596 Regent Ave West Suite 310
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2C 4H4
