Managing Viewing Availability

This is a feature that you can use when you have a unit that will be available for rent in the near future.  The intent is for you to create blocks of time where interested prospects can book a viewing time.  Showings will be all grouped together in a specific block of time.  Each slot during that block of time will be selected by the prospect.  This makes setting up showings a lot easier, as there will be no telephone tag or checking with prospects to see what works for them.

Once you have created a property, click the pencil icon to edit it.  Either collapse the top section or scroll down and you will see the Manage Viewing Availability section.

Edit porpoerty

Start by checking the “Has Upcoming Availability” checkbox.

These controls allow you to create viewing time blocks for interested prospects.  This article will go through things in the order in which you will use them.

Sending Application Link

From the Manage Viewing Availability section, copy the Application Link.  When a prospect contacts you and tells you that they are interested in the unit, send them this link as part of your standardized response.  All prospects should be directed to this link.  They will fill in their contact information and will receive a note that they will be notified once the unit comes available for viewing.

View Panel

Once they have submitted their information, they will be marked in the database as being interested in this property unit.

Login panel

Creating Viewing Time Blocks

In the Manage Viewing Availability section, select the value for the Publish Date and the Time Slot Length.

On the Publish Date, at 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, an email will be sent to all prospects who have shown an interest in this particular unit.  The email will let them know that the unit is now ready for viewing, and that they should book a viewing time.  They will have a link to click to do so.  This email will automatically be sent out for you, so there’s no need to do anything yourself.

The Time Slot Length refers to how long you want each viewing time slot.  If you choose 15 minutes (the default), that means there will be 4 potential time slots for each hour of the viewing block.

Creating a Viewing Time Block

A Viewing Time Block is a particular block of time where you’ll be at the unit, ready to do showings.  You can create as many viewing time blocks as you’d like, but you probably only need one or two.  To create a block, choose a date, then start/end times, then click the Add button.

As an example, I have created one time block on Friday, September 1st from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM with 15-minute time slots.  This gives us 12 available time slots for prospects to book a viewing.

Make sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog to save your edits.

Prospects Book Their Time Slots

Now that you have the time block set up, we just need to wait for the Publish Date.  You’ll notice in the screenshot above that I have it set to August 29th.  That means that at 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, an email will be sent to all prospects who have shown interest in this unit by filling out the intake form that we did earlier.

View Slot

Once the prospect clicks on the Book Viewing button, they will be taken to this page:

View Slot Panel

Here they can choose a day and timeslot that works for them.  Once they have booked the time slot, they can cancel using the same link, if they need.

Booking Info

Back in your portal, navigate to Properties / Viewing Requests.  You will now see this viewing request here.  Also, an email invite will be sent to you and the prospect so that it can be in your calendar on your email client.  If you cancel or move the appointment, a new calendar invite will be sent to update things.

Following the steps above will give you structured time blocks where you can have all of your viewings within a certain window.  This means that you won’t have to play telephone tag with prospects, setting up viewings.  You create the time block, a notification is sent to all who were interested, and they can book their desired slot within that block of time.

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Streamline Landlord Service
2200 – One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3B 0X7
