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Team Members

Managing Team Members

As a property manager, it is likely that you have other people who work for you and will require access to your account on our platform.  We don’t want to share credentials between users, as that is a bad security practice.

The solution to this problem is our Team Members feature.  As a property manager, you will have access to this, and it is available by default at no extra cost.

Team Members are just users of the platform that can access your account, but under their own set of login credentials.

Creating a Team Member

On the left navigation, go to People / Team Members.


Then, click on Add Team Member.


Fill in their first and last names and email address.  Click the Save button.

At this point, the Team Member account will have been created for them.  A confirmation email will have been sent to their email address.  Once they confirm and set their password, the Account Status will change to Connected.

You can you the Re-Send button to re-send them their confirmation email.


After Team Member confirms their email address:


Notice how the Edit button changes to a View button for the Team Member’s information.  This is because the account now belongs to the Team Member, and it’s up to them to change their name, email address, or contact information if they choose.

Removing Team Members

To remove one or more Team Members, select the row using the checkbox on the left, then click the Delete button that appears.  At this point, the Team Members will not be able to log into the platform or access your account.

Permissions and Notifications

At present, Team Members are able to perform all functions in the platform that the Property Manager main account is able to, with the exception that they are not able to create other Team Members.

In the future, we will look at making the permissions more customizable, so that you can designate a team member to only have access to certain functions.

Team Members receive all the same notifications that you do with regards to events on the system.  They are sent reminders for upcoming payments, maintenance requests, etc.

Landlord Help Articles

SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications With the release of software version v0.6, StreamlineLS now allows for SMS notifications to be sent when various events occur on our system.

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Property Owner Guide

Streamline Landlord Service (SLS) is a property management platform developed for the Canadian market.  If your property manager is using SLS to manage your property,

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Property Manager Help Articles

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Streamline Tenant Overview

The Streamline platform was created to help landlords and property managers better communicate with tenants.  The goal is to make everything easier.  From paying rent

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Streamline Landlord Service
2200 – One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3B 0X7
